Calgary AA Ringette believes in championing a Friends First philosophy. Each team, each age division—plus coaches, managers and parents—are reminded that strong leadership combines both competition and sportsmanship. Supporting each other, and our sister teams, promotes friendships on and off the ice and elevates our game.
Check back as we add highlights for this season.
U19AA Team Alberta Supports Younger AA Sister Team
Friendship before Competition
U16AA Calgary Shock Together with Guelph Predators
U16AA Guelph Predators a Class Act!
Friendships Outlast the Game—U16AA Riot wins Gold and Surge wins Silver
Sep 29-Oct 1 — Our U16s, U19s and NRL Calgary RATH participated in a season-opener series along with several visiting teams. It was a chance to bring new teammates, bench staff and parents together to celebrate the fastest game on ice. The post-game hand shake reminds us of what our sport is truly about—sportsmanship and appreciating the competitive opportunity.
Bearing a signed poster and dedicating their play in honour of the recent passing of one of our beloved ringette members, Jenna Sauer—Edmonton Elite showed class, love and friendship that extends beyond the ice. Ringette brings us all together.
AA Ringette Calgary Committee Meeting
Flames Community Arena