Dryland Conditioning

Dryland training (off-ice) is an excellent way to enhance athletic power when back on the ice, including speed, strength, agility and endurance. As any athlete knows, the better your physical condition through cross-training, the better able you are to increase response-time, dig in to plays, and think strategically (harder to do when you can’t catch your breath…).

AA Ringette Calgary believes that off-ice development is just as important as the skills and training our athletes receive on the ice. Beginning shortly after team selection, dryland sessions are allotted or organized so that each team can incorporate this training into their schedules, in addition to games, practices and team events.

For the 2023-24 season, AA Ringette Calgary has enlisted Jungle Strength and Athletics for our U14AA division.  U16AA and U19AA will select their provider on a per-team basis.

Jungle Strength and Athletics
Our program is designed to armour our athletes with as much strength as possible, preparing them physically and mentally for the season.  We will provide them the tools and opportunities to become powerful, stable and explosive athletes on and off the ice. Our facility will provide the athletes with a safe yet challenging environment to begin their strength and conditioning training.
Our initial program will focus on footwork, lateral movement , change of direction,  acceleration and  strength, with a primary focus on posterior chain.
Our program will also focus on injury prevention. A strong athlete is a safe athlete.
To have a glimpse of what we do prior to our sessions, please have a look at some of our videos on our website at www.junglestrengthyyc.com 
Jungle Strength and Athletics is looking forward to working with you and your team for a successful season!

What about off-season? Most dryland providers offer summer programs, either as drop-in or as a group—some even offer ringette-specific training. But whether through a dryland vendor, ringette program or camp, or on your own, off-season conditioning is a great way to stay shape for summer activities and to help ensure you’re ready to go at the start of the next season. As well, it helps maintain an active lifestyle, while instilling great habits to last a lifetime.

Upcoming Events

Sep. 08, 2024 9:45 AM to 2:00 PM

Team Jenna - Ovarian Cancer Walk of Hope
North Glenmore Park

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Sep. 20, 2024 2:00 PM to Sep. 22, 2024 4:00 PM

Ring It On!

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Sep. 25, 2024 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

2024 AGM and Committee Meeting
Flames Community Arena

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