Team Volunteer Positions


Designated parent responsible for:

  • Managing all financial duties for the team.
  • In coordination with the team manager, develops, tracks and maintains team budget.
  • Shares initial team budget via email to team families at the start of season.
  • Provides monthly budget updates to team parents.
  • Requests and collects all cash calls, fundraising and team apparel payments etc.
  • Continuously tracks budget and monies in/out and communicates with Manager.
  • Manages all receipts/reimbursements.
  • Provides final expense report to AA Committee Treasurer at year-end with a zero balance and all receipts.


AA Ringette Calgary Committee Representatives - 3 Required (in addition to any team parents holding Board positions)

  • Each AA Ringette Calgary team is required to put forward three volunteers (who are not already on the Board) who will be required to attend all AA Committee meetings. They are expected to volunteer for specific committee roles and tasks which are announced at the AGM which occurs at the beginning of the season. These can be reviewed under the About Us/AA Committee Overview page on our website.
  • Committee Meetings are held approximately every one or two months.
  • Representatives act as the Liaisons between their team and the AA Ringette Calgary Committee and are required to communicate important information to the team following each meeting.
  • Managers are also encouraged to attend the AA Ringette Calgary Committee Meetings however it is not mandatory.

The remaining volunteer roles are recommended but it is at the discretion of the Head Coach and Manager to determine which roles are needed for the team.

Team Apparel Coordinator

At the start of the season the AA Ringette Calgary Teamwear Coordinator will contact each Team Apparel Coordinator to start the teamwear order process. Only the AA Teamwear Coordinator should be in contact with the supplier - team representatives and managers DO NOT contact The Ringette Store directly.

The Team Apparel Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Coordinating the fitting session for mandatory and optional team items.
  • Collecting orders from each athlete/family for mandatory team attire and optional team attire. Mandatory athlete items are ordered first, and a second order for optional teamwear and parent items will follow.
  • Submitting apparel orders to the AA Teamwear Coordinator by the requested due dates.
  • Picking up orders as per direction of AA Teamwear Coordinator and distributes apparel to team.
  • Providing invoices to the team Treasurer to collect payments from families.
  • Providing AA helmet purchase information to team parents.
  • Providing 2 AA logo stickers for placement on helmets to each athlete, if required. Ensure no other stickers (e.g., Team Alberta, other team stickers, special event support etc.) are on the helmets. It is at the discretion of the team to obtain athlete number stickers for the back of the helmet, and these must be in AA Ringette Calgary colours.
  • Arranging for name bars, and Captain and Assistant Captain letters to be sewn on the jerseys, as per guidelines on the instruction sheet, either by ONE designated, sewing-qualified team parent OR by a professional seamstress (paid for from team funds).
  • Arranging for name bars and Captain and Assistant Captain letters to be removed at season end, and returning name bars to the athletes.
  • Inspecting jerseys throughout the season and reporting damage (skate cuts, excessive wear/snags, staining, etc.) to the AA Equipment Coordinator. If repairs are required the AA Equipment Coordinator will provide repair contact information.
  • Collecting all jerseys at end of season. Ensure they are clean and inspected for damage. Return jerseys to AA Equipment Coordinator (scheduled return date will be communicated at the end of season) and document any jersey damage with the jersey return.


First Aid/Trainer

Identified parent who is a registered Medical/Athletic professional or if not available a parent as first point-of-contact for team injuries/emergencies.

Responsibilities are:

  • Awareness of arena emergency protocols.
  • In the event of an emergency, initiates call for help, meets and guides EMS upon arrival.
  • Completing injury report forms at the venue (if required).
  • Periodically checking the team medical bag for adequate supply levels.
  • Informing injured athletes about the RAB Accident Claim form


Food Coordinators (Detailed description under Parents tab)

1 or 2 team parents responsible for the following:

  • Purchasing, stocking and maintaining team tournament supply bins and bringing to all tournaments. Bin supplies are paid for through team funds - invoices for purchases are to be submitted to the team treasurer.
  • Once the tournament itinerary is created by the team tournament coordinator and approved by the coach, the food coordinators develop menu plans utilizing the AA Ringette Calgary nutritional guidelines and in accordance with preferences and sport-nutrition guidelines. Meals are planned for coaches and athletes, and at the discretion of the Head Coach and Manager, may also be for athlete’s families.
  • Distributing meal and snack signup. Parent-coaches and the manager should have first pick, followed by the remaining families. Non-parent coaches/assistant coaches are exempt from contributing (unless they elect to bring something) as a show of appreciation for their commitment to our program.
  • Ensuring the signup includes meal time, location, setup and cleanup responsibilities and all required cooking appliances are included.
  • Parents are fully responsible for the meals/ingredients and setup/cleanup that they signed up for (not the Manager or Food Coordinators).
  • One Food Coordinator parent should be present during tournaments to ensure meals      are ready on time, and assess if additional items need to be purchased throughout     the weekend to ensure the athletes receive optimal nutrition.
  • The Food Coordinator ensures athletes and coaches are provided their meals first.
  • At the coaches’ discretion and schedule permitting, athletes should help with setting out and cleaning up after meals as much as possible.
  • Food Coordinators are encouraged to be environmentally friendly and limit the use of paper/plastic products - families should be encouraged to bring their own plates, bowls and cutlery.


Tournament Coordinator (see Parents tab for more detailed description)

  • Works directly with the AA Ringette Calgary Tournament Coordinator ( for AA-managed tournament hotel and bus arrangements and communicates details to the team manager, coaching staff and parents.
  • Creates a Tournament Itinerary and once it is approved by the Head Coach and/or Manager, shares it with the Team and the AA Ringette Calgary Tournament Coordinator
  • Manages block hotel room bookings and coordinates rooming lists and payment arrangements for non-parent coaches and team room.
  • As required organizes team vehicle rentals, bus or air travel.
  • Follows through on these details as needed during tournaments.
  • Submits the Ringette Calgary Post Tournament Online Form following every tournament attended (not required for EGRT)  


A small group of parents organize and oversee team fundraising events and related tasks to meet the team fundraising goals as determined by the Coach and Manager. Fundraiser coordinators are encouraged to start fundraising ASAP for team-related costs. The responsibilities are:

  • Obtaining approval from the team manager for fundraising events
  • Communicating fundraising events in a timely manner and working with all team parents   to coordinate events.
  • Working with the team treasurer for team fund deposits and reporting financial details so team budgetary information is transparent and communicated on a monthly basis.
  • If required, apply for a team fundraising AGLC license; see our website under Fundraising for further details and application links. The AA Ringette Calgary AGLC license cannot be utilized by individual teams.
  • For fundraising ideas or a list of popular vendors, please see our website Team Fundraising Ideas page.

Minor Officials Coordinator and Shot Clock Carrier

  • Responsible for scheduling team parents to fill required minor official roles for all league, exhibition and tournament games including shot clock operators, timekeepers, gamesheet recorder and penalty box duty.   
  • RAMP Electronic Game Sheet APP - more information to come.
  • Inform parents of upcoming shot clock clinics to learn this important task.
  • Responsible for bringing shotclocks to all games (only required for HOME games at arenas where there is no hardwired shotclock but recommended they be brought to all games just in case). Installs and takes down shot clocks and ensures all components are present. Any issue with shotclock function should be escalated to the AA Ringette Calgary Equipment Coordinator for repair.
  • Ensure all minor officials are present in their assigned role prior to game start.


Social Coordinator

  • Working with the Manager and Coaching staff, identify, schedule, organize and communicate team and parent bonding events and activities throughout the season. Tournament and year end activities are included under this role.

Social Media Rep

  • Manages Team X (Twitter) account details provided by the AA Ringette Calgary Webmaster. Following the AA Ringette Calgary Social Media Guidelines, the Social Media rep will highlight tournament or noteworthy events, photos (discretion used for posting photos of athletes) and team news.
  • Each team will receive a team Flickr photo account to be used to store and share team photos throughout the season. With advance notice, the AA Ringette Calgary Webmaster will access team accounts for photos for tournaments, events and the year-end banquet. At the end of the season, each team will be asked to place desired photos into a Banquet file which will be accessed and displayed during our year-end banquet.
  • Participates in Ringette Calgary, Ringette Alberta and Ringette Canada social media events (i.e. Provincials, Westerns, Nationals, etc.) to promote AA Ringette Calgary spirit and engage with the Ringette community.


AA Esso Golden Ring Volunteers

  • Approximately 4 volunteers per team are required to fulfill AA Ringette Calgary’s EGRT volunteer requirements. Volunteers will be required to sign up for shifts during the  EGRT weekend in January (minor official roles and arena volunteers).
  • Assist in tracking details regarding AA Ringette Calgary volunteer assignments.

Year End Banquet Representatives

  • Two volunteers from each team are required to assist the AA Banquet Coordinators plan and organize the year-end banquet. Task can include setup, takedown, ticket sales, media assistance etc.  
  • Communicates banquet information to the team manager and parents.
  • Year end banquet tickets for players and coaching staff are usually purchased out of the team budget. Parents are required to purchase tickets separately.

Flames 50/50 Sellers

  • If AA Ringette Calgary is selected to participate in Flames fundraising opportunities, four to eight volunteers per team are asked to help sell Flames Foundation 50/50 tickets. Funds raised are shared among AA teams and our support helps various charities connected with the Flames Foundation.

Casino Volunteers

  • If AA Ringette Calgary is selected to participate in Casino fundraisers, multiple volunteers from each team will be required. Proceeds from these fundraisers are critical to the success of our program.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 07, 2025 7:00 AM to Feb. 09, 2025 5:00 PM

Guelph Ringette Tournament
Guelph, ON

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Feb. 07, 2025 9:00 AM to Feb. 09, 2025 4:00 PM

Pacific Challenge Cup
Richmond, BC

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Feb. 26, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

AA Ringette Calgary Committee Meeting
Flames Community Arena

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